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水 1 ( 2 単位).対象学部:国際学士コース(*).担当教員:中川 学 所属部局等:高度教養教育・学生支援機構.
開講セメスター: 2 セメスター.科目ナンバリング:ZBS-HHS801E.使用言語:英語.
1 .授業題目:
History of Tohoku University
2 .授業の目的と概要:
What sort of a university is Tohoku University?
This course covers the history of Tohoku University to help students understand the characteristics of this University from a
historical perspective.
3 .学習の到達目標:
The goal is for each of you to acquire the following knowledge and abilities through this course.
(1) To be able to understand and explain Tohoku University’s history by using some concrete example.
(2) To be able to survey and describe the features of your university, department and laboratory from a historical point of
4 .授業の内容・方法と進度予定:
This course is centered on a lecture and a field trip.
The contents and schedule are as shown below:
(1) ntroduction
(2) Field trip(Sendai City Museum)
(3) The Foundation of Tohoku Imperial University
(4) Field trip(University Museum)
(5) Open Door Policy
(6) Development of University I
(7) Development of University II
(8) Student Life
(9) Field trip(University Library)
(10) nternational Students
(11) World War II and Postwar Reforms
(12) Field trip(University Archives)
(13) University Campus
(14) University Reforms
(15) University Ideals
5 .成績評価方法:
Half of your grade will be based on attendance and understanding of the course(Minute Paper*, 50%)while the other half will
be based on the final report(50%)
Students will be requested to complete the Minute Paper at the end of the class.
A student absent more than 5 sessions will not be given any credit.
6 .教科書および参考書:
No textbooks will be used. References are handed out at every class.
7 .関連 URL:
8 .授業時間外学習:
Students will be requested to write a short essay after each field trip.
Students will be requested to write the final report at the end of the semester.
9 .その他:
You must attend the first class session.
The maximum number of participants for this course is 40 due to the circumstances of field trip. If there are more applicants
than quota, participants will be selected by lottery.
Office hours are from 13:00 to 16:00 on Wednesday. Make an appointment in advance via e-mail or other means.